About FREEcoin
The FREE coin was launched in April 2018 by a small group of volunteers based in Europe and Asia. The FREE coin is for its technical development backed by FREE Crypto Ltd, based in Mahe, Seychelles. FREEcoin is a multi blockchain circulating in Ethereum, Tron and Binance Smart Chain.
Your easy and low risk start in crypto investing !
Already more than 271 804 crypto traders use the FREE coin today !
Already more than 271 804 crypto traders use the FREE coin today !
FREEcoin BSC Contract:
216,276 BEP20 Holders
FREEcoin ERC20 Contract:
40,865 ERC20 Holders
14,663 TRC10 Holders
Actual FREEcoin Value |
Note: This value is the current P2P Exchange Value of FREEcoin. You can also buy FREEcoin in 30+ Exchanges available in the CryptoSpace offer FREEcoin. The price will change time to time due to its value in the market.
Buy Now @ Exchanges Available Below
DEX - Decentralized Exchange (BEP20)
Click the P2P Exchange to check the current rate.
Connect With Us for your Safe and Accommodating P2P Experience
Shamel Lee Ponciano |
Webb Tercenio Jr |
FREEcoin P2P Exchange accept only transaction with verified and confirmed payments. FREEcoin is a multiblockchain token. All transactions has records in each blockchain. Price may change time to time as $FREEcoin value may down or up its market value. CryptoCurrency is highly volatile please do your own research. Avoid transaction with unknown identity which can lead to fraud and scams.
How to FREEcoin BSC BEP20 Token
Download your FREEcoin wallet now!!!
Stake FREEcoin and earn 24% APR interest
Collect FREEcoin for free. Just create an account in the following exchanges and collect CryptoCurrency from their FAUCETS.
TRON Blockchain
FREE Coin ROI: 10202.84%
All Time High
All Time Low
$FREE coin did no ICO/IEO! In 2 years time, we grew fast using FREEcoin management OWN funds, supported by an active COMMUNITY. $FREE reaches 250 000 wallet holders, and is traded on 30 exchanges. Our price is still low (0.00000026 USD), but increased 3200 % since our start
The FREE coin is the ideal coin for starters in Crypto : Low introduction price so high growth potential, Friendly community.
Be aware! very important things for every one.There are many scammer every where for airdrop Issue so please Look>> Real admin never ever PM or DM you.Real Admin never ever ask you for Money.Real admin never ever tell you send your coin for airdrop.Real admin never ever say about your account Details like private key or anything.Join in our Telegram groups for update and discussion @FREEcoinGlobal and @FREEcoinCR ,For any support please contact with us to email [email protected] Be safe Be Happy
FREEcoin Exchanges List
FREEcoin, low price exchange:
(Probit, FREE_USDT), (Probit, FREE_KRW),
(Crex24, FREE-USD, ), (HotBit, FREE_ETH),
(CoinTiger, FREE_USDT),(TokenStore, FREE_ETH),
(Mercatox, FREE/TUSD) ,(Stex: USDT/FREE)
(Probit, FREE_USDT), (Probit, FREE_KRW),
(Crex24, FREE-USD, ), (HotBit, FREE_ETH),
(CoinTiger, FREE_USDT),(TokenStore, FREE_ETH),
(Mercatox, FREE/TUSD) ,(Stex: USDT/FREE)
FREEcoin List of exchanges listed:
1) BestExchange : https://bestexchange.io/#FREE-ETH
2) Probit KRW : https://www.probit.kr/app/exchange/FREE-KRW
Probit USDT: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/FREE-USDT
Probit USDT: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/FREE-BTC
3) Coinsbit : https://coinsbit.io/ko/trade/FREE_USD
4) TAGZ : https://trade.tagz.com/trade/view
5) Latoken : https://latoken.com/exchange/USDT-FREE
6) CoinTiger : https://www.cointiger.com/en-us/#/trade_center?coin=free_usdt
7) Crex24 : https://crex24.com/exchange/FREE-USD
8) HotBit : https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=FREE_ETH
1) BestExchange : https://bestexchange.io/#FREE-ETH
2) Probit KRW : https://www.probit.kr/app/exchange/FREE-KRW
Probit USDT: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/FREE-USDT
Probit USDT: https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/FREE-BTC
3) Coinsbit : https://coinsbit.io/ko/trade/FREE_USD
4) TAGZ : https://trade.tagz.com/trade/view
5) Latoken : https://latoken.com/exchange/USDT-FREE
6) CoinTiger : https://www.cointiger.com/en-us/#/trade_center?coin=free_usdt
7) Crex24 : https://crex24.com/exchange/FREE-USD
8) HotBit : https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=FREE_ETH
9) Mercatox : https://mercatox.com/exchange/FREE/TUSD
10) Stex : https://app.stex.com/en/basic-trade/pair/USDT/FREE/1D
11) Altilly : https://www.altilly.com/market/FREE_USDT
12) P2PB2B : https://p2pb2b.io/en/trade/FREE_USD
13) CATEX : https://www.catex.io/trading/FREE/USDT?load=1
14) VINDAX : https://vindax.com/exchange-base.html?
15) ABIT : https://abit.com/exchange?coinPair=FREE/USDT®ion=USDT&lang=en-US&qd=undefined
16) TokenStore : https://token.store/eth/trade/FREE
17) EtherFlyer : https://www.etherflyer.com/trade.html?pairs=FREE-ETH
18) Finexbox : https://www.finexbox.com/market/pair/FREE-DOGE.html
10) Stex : https://app.stex.com/en/basic-trade/pair/USDT/FREE/1D
11) Altilly : https://www.altilly.com/market/FREE_USDT
12) P2PB2B : https://p2pb2b.io/en/trade/FREE_USD
13) CATEX : https://www.catex.io/trading/FREE/USDT?load=1
14) VINDAX : https://vindax.com/exchange-base.html?
15) ABIT : https://abit.com/exchange?coinPair=FREE/USDT®ion=USDT&lang=en-US&qd=undefined
16) TokenStore : https://token.store/eth/trade/FREE
17) EtherFlyer : https://www.etherflyer.com/trade.html?pairs=FREE-ETH
18) Finexbox : https://www.finexbox.com/market/pair/FREE-DOGE.html
19) EtherDelta : https://etherdelta.com/#0x2f141ce366a2462f02cea3d12cf93e4dca49e4fd-ETH
20) Satoexchange : https://www.satoexchange.com/market/FREE/ETH/
21) BOA Exchange : https://boaexchange.com/market/FREE_ETH
22) Bitcratic : https://www.bitcratic.com/#!/trade/FREE-ETH
23) NFXTRADER exchange : https://exchange.nfxtrader.com/
24) SWFT : https://www.swft.pro/en/#/
25) Atomicswap : https://atomicswapwallet.io/wallet/
26) RESFINEX : https://trade.resfinex.com/?pair=FREE_USDT
20) Satoexchange : https://www.satoexchange.com/market/FREE/ETH/
21) BOA Exchange : https://boaexchange.com/market/FREE_ETH
22) Bitcratic : https://www.bitcratic.com/#!/trade/FREE-ETH
23) NFXTRADER exchange : https://exchange.nfxtrader.com/
24) SWFT : https://www.swft.pro/en/#/
25) Atomicswap : https://atomicswapwallet.io/wallet/
26) RESFINEX : https://trade.resfinex.com/?pair=FREE_USDT
FREEcoin Wallet